Alice in Wonderland Nursery

I love decorating, so when we found out we were having a baby girl, I immediately started planning for her nursery! We liked the idea of a floral theme…but anyone who knows me is aware I’m a bookworm at heart and incorporating books into her nursery was also at the top of the list.

Floral elements + books + fun patterns + lots of colors led us to one of my favorites: Alice in Wonderland!


My Uncle Rob painted this beautiful mural on her crib wall, these oversized flowers and details like the Rockinghorse Fly make you feel like you’re a part of Alice’s garden.


5Mural Detail

We found this great dresser on Craigslist and painted it with fun colors and patterns. I added one of my favorite quotes from the book on the door – Curiouser and Curiouser.


My Uncle found this amazing frame at a thrift store, it had a garden painting in it. We put sticker letters over the painting, painted black around them and then peeled them off for this awesome outcome. Another favorite quote from Alice in Wonderland.

16Shelves and Painting


I wanted something hand-sewn in her room, so I set to work on this fun mobile. Hand-sewn teacups, iridescent beads and gold details made a great addition to the room – and baby girl loves to stare up at it from her changing table.


We started collecting Alice in Wonderland books when we settled on our nursery theme, I love having so many different versions (thanks to my husband’s dad, our book-loving Poppa) of the book on her shelves!


Her Daddy found this precious tea set and my Dad gave this fun clock – these Alice details really bring it all together.


23Tea Set

I love how it turned out and our happy little girl makes it complete!

Published by jordanthoma

I graduated in May 2011 from Texas Tech and married my best friend a week later! I now find myself working in advertising in the Dallas area and loving every minute of our attempt to be “grown-ups.” I enjoy putting my creativity to work in a professional setting as well as through my hobbies and lifestyle.